Our Mission

Here in the Pacific Northwest, the winters are cold, dark and wet.  To help a little with the darkness we love to burn candles in our home.  They are especially nice during the Holidays.  Not only do they help light up your room but the fragrance adds to the spirit of the season.

I love making Candles and experimenting with different waxes as well as the many fragrance oils available these days. As a new Candle Business we are going to start with a few fragrances and concentrate on the quality and safety of our product.

Although we love the look and fragrances of candles, we found that many of our favorite brands were very strongly scented and soon overwhelmed a room.  Our candles are lightly scented but still fill the room with a great fragrance. Our light scent collection are made up of eight different fragrances to start with and will be adding more soon.

We hope you enjoy our Candles and let us know your favorite scent, (mine is Frankincense and Myrrh).



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